Next, we'll work on setting up a virtual environment in Anaconda for tensorflow-gpu. From the Start menu in Windows, search for the Anaconda Prompt utility, right click on it, and click “Run as Administrator”. If Windows asks you if you would like to allow it to make changes to your computer, click Yes.
In the command terminal that pops up, create a new virtual environment called “tensorflow1” by issuing the following command:
這邊意思大概就是開一個環境裡面的pyhton 版本是3.5
C:\> conda create -n tensorflow1 pip python=3.5
Then, activate the environment by issuing:
C:\> activate tensorflow1
Install tensorflow-gpu in this environment by issuing:
(Note: The ‘pandas’ and ‘opencv-python’ packages are not needed by TensorFlow, but they are used in the Python scripts to generate TFRecords and to work with images, videos, and webcam feeds.)
2e. Configure PYTHONPATH environment variable
這邊可能是 tensorflow 需要抓到 models 的系統環境變數 ,每次 都要重新設定
A PYTHONPATH variable must be created that points to the \models, \models\research, and \models\research\slim directories. Do this by issuing the following commands (from any directory):
(tensorflow1) C:\> set PYTHONPATH=C:\tensorflow1\models;C:\tensorflow1\models\research;C:\tensorflow1\models\research\slim
(Note: Every time the "tensorflow1" virtual environment is exited, the PYTHONPATH variable is reset and needs to be set up again.)
2f. Compile Protobufs and run
Next, compile the Protobuf files, which are used by TensorFlow to configure model and training parameters. Unfortunately, the short protoc compilation command posted on TensorFlow’s Object Detection API installation page does not work on Windows. Every .proto file in the \object_detection\protos directory must be called out individually by the command.
In the Anaconda Command Prompt, change directories to the \models\research directory and copy and paste the following command into the command line and press Enter:
This creates a file from every name.proto file in the \object_detection\protos folder.
(Note: TensorFlow occassionally adds new .proto files to the \protos folder. If you get an error saying ImportError: cannot import name 'something_something_pb2' , you may need to update the protoc command to include the new .proto files.)
Finally, run the following commands from the C:\tensorflow1\models\research directory: